1 | Col: Myo Myint (Red:) |
2 | Dr. Khin Win Win Myint (M B B S) (Red:) |
3 | Morme Daw Khin Ti, Matron (NRH) (Red:) |
4 | Dr. Aye Ko, Phd: Professor (Math) (Red:) |
5 | Dr. Ko Ko Oo, Phd: Lecturer (Burmese) (Red:) |
6 | U Thein Lwin, General Secretary, MCFB. |
7 | U Naing Myint, Music Director (Melody Flower Band) |
1 | Chairman (BOD) U Myat Moe |
2 | Board of Director Member U Kaung Myat Soe |
3 | Board of Director Member U Pho Htoo |
4 | Board of Director Member U Than Myint Htoo Aung |
5 | Treasurer U San Htoo Aung |
6 | Audit (1) U Paye Phyoe Wai |
7 | Audit (2) U Maung Maung Myo |
8 | Account (1) Daw San San Htwe |
9 | Account (2) Daw Yu Yu Htwe |
10 | Information Daw Hla Nyunt |
11 | Executive Member (EC) U Linn Htet Paing |
12 | Executive Member (EC) Daw Cho Hninn Htwe |
13 | Executive Member (EC) U Ko Ko Linn |
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